Hover Biker App Reviews

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2 Thumbs Up!

Weeee! I LOVE this game! Tilt controls arent difficult at all; all depends on speed. Touch controls are more challenging, but perfectly appropriate. I havent bought the extra levels yet, and hope that the last one includes a hover height greater than 4 feet above the ground (as perhaps the hint in the level name seems to suggest). Also a little hesitant after previous reviewers description of bugginess after purchase. Lots of fun so far, though!

Its fun but...

It was fun to play but the controls are hard PLEASE UPDATE!!! fIX CONTROL


This app was great controls hard but not to hard

It needs......

It needs to have an online type mode where you can play with friends and other players locally and worldwide.


I thought u said this was a free roam games . I dont see a free roam option


for the most part i dont mind the controls, although trying to steady it when using the afterburners? forget it... you need some locking system or something... and backing in a trailer with no wheels to provide a steadiness could really use a tractor beam at the drop off locale to pull the trailer in... hey, we have hovering cars, why not? but it is fun to just tool around... it can VERY challenging (i.e., infuriating) to do delicate moves! a game should make you smile... when i stop smiling, i think about deleting... i have enough aggravation in my day! on the ipad i find its much easier to drive with my index fingers, more like pointing the way you want to go... one last thing: driving around in a ghost town gets boring... interesting concept... needs tweezing

Update please!!!!!!!

How about an option for control sensitivity. And a free level where you can do whatever you want! This has potential to be five stars.

Hard due to view, not controls,

Fun little game, but camera is extremely frustrating. You have to control the camera and the bike at the same time. You often end up looking from outside the world, unable to see. Auto camera=better game.

Different Game

A bit hard to control but once you get the hang of the control, it starts to get pretty fun.


Very fun but how do you fuel up? I drive up and dont know what to do. Would be a five

Cool and annoying

So the controls I hate them so much u have to make a steering wheel for it instead also u should make like a menu so thats u can change up character and hover craft so make lots of changes and I will put 5 stars on pppplllllzzzzz. Because this is a really fun map also have a free roam map with awesome things in it




This app is AMAZING! I love playin it and it is kinda addicting! Highly Recommend it. I wasnt to fond of the $1.99 in app purchase to get more levels but thats ok,the rest of the greatly made game makes up for it!


Best game ever man so fun


I wish I had more control of the hover


Ok this game is great, BUT, it needs 4 things. 1: more bikes, ( with different functions as well as looks) 2: more places to play, I guess you could call them worlds ( with one of them being a free play with some sort of a garage where you could change your attachment, ex. after burners, laser, trailer. ) 3: more attachments ( give us a twin Gatling gun, or an attachment that lets you hover at a greater altitude) 4: a way to have other players from the Game Center driving with you ( driving in a deserted town can get old, FAST ) Add all this stuff and your game will be smokein SWEET !! PLEASE ADD THIS STUFF AND ILL GIVE YOU 5 STARS !!!! ANOTHER THING FOR THOSE KNUCKLEHEADS WHO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE CONTROLS : go to settings then scroll down to the bottom -> hover biker -> steering -> select tilt control -> play without breaking your fingers. Hope that helped. (Knuckleheads)


I hate this game soooooooo hard

Fun but the control are horrible

I really like the game and the concept of the game but i wish i could have more control of the bike the controls are really hard to maneuver. Please fix!!!

So so

Too hard to control bike and GET RID OF NAGGING ONSCREEN ADVERTISEMENT! I already paid for the game so quit soliciting business plans and other junk advertisements.

All Others Are Wrong

This game is clearly for those with a curious mind and a willingness to overcome a challenge. Those of you who said this game was bad and rated it anything below 5 stars, you give up too easily. The controls are designed extremely well and respond with barely any movement of the fingers. Hats off to the designer...awesome game! I kept trying and within minutes I could control the bike like it was my own hand.

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